No Outsiders registered charity number 1184725
No Outsiders registered charity number 1184725
Signed in as:
‘As a teacher of 29 years who still works in a school, I trust teachers and I trust schools. I always say, if you want to be a No Outsiders school, you can be! In 2024 we are launching an opportunity to register as a No Outsiders school and have the logo on letterheads to make their equality ethos clear and transparent to all parents, carers and visitors. However, all the assemblies and additional lesson plans will remain free to access for all, regardless of their registration status. We want schools to be doing this work and doing it well. See the registration link for further details
We always recommend Letterbox Library as they do the book pack for schools at a discount
1) You need to work with your governors first to make sure everyone is on board and has seen the picture books you will be using. Make sure No Outsiders is referenced in your PD and Relationships policy as a strategy for delivering your equality ethos.
2 ) Next is staff training; some schools do this themselves, some schools get me in. When I deliver training, schools pay for my cover at my own school. I can do whole inset days or half inset days, twilights etc. The most popular training day is the No Outsiders teaching day where I come in to your school and deliver a different, age-appropriate No Outsiders lesson in every class so that all staff get to see a lesson with their class and see their children engaging with the language and ethos. I am currently doing 3 days a week training and typically I am booked up 4 months in advance. Email me on for info and bookings.
3) You need to involve parents and show all the books. What makes No Outsiders so accessible is the use of picture books so that you can show parents all the resources and be transparent from the beginning. There is also a No Outsiders booklet for parents/ carers that can be ordered from the website with a full book list and information about the Equality Act.
4) The No Outsiders assemblies are key for driving the consistent message. All the assemblies are free to access on the website. There are assemblies for KS1 and KS2. There are also extra books with lesson plans on the website so you can extend your no outsiders library if you wish.
5) There are lots of useful No Outsiders films available freely on the website which I encourage you to watch with your staff team, / governors and use as discussion starter.
6) Schools often buy a No Outsiders plaque for their entrance to make the ethos clear to visitors. Schools can also order lanyards, pin badges, stickers etc
7) Any questions, any worries get in touch